Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Condoms Make the AIDS Epidemic Worse??? Really!!!

It disgusts me that Pope Benedict XVI has so much control and respect from Catholics around the world. The whole idea of giving faulty, dangerous news just to push one's religious views aggravates me. On his tour to Africa, the Pope spoke that condoms won't stop the AIDS epidemic, and in fact make it much worse... whaat!!!!! That is ridiculous and insulting to the millions of people around the world infected with HIV and AIDS. No condoms won't stop the spread of HIV, but its scientifically proven that they help minimizing the spread of the virus! I suppose anyone can have complete faith in his or her religion, but I believe the Pope has no right to use his religion to feed people false information. He is literally harming people by spreading his ridiculous beliefs. I think that a person with that much popularity and power should be held accountable for his words. I'll be very disappointed if the Catholic people as a whole don't stand up against this.

No one step will end the rise in HIV/AIDS, but distributing condoms is one of the many steps needed in a well thought out plan of how to bring the number of future infections down. Sorry Pope, but abstinence is not the way, and even if condoms promote promiscuity... as he says... maybe you fear that promiscuity is against your precious religion. Stop spreading bullshit and worry about the people in Africa that you are pretending to care about. Catholicism is not going to save them. Real scientific facts might help though.

"Pope Benedict XVI has re-opened a running sore in the side of the Church and Africa with another scientifically illiterate attempt to justify a policy that is unjustifiable even by faith." - Ruth Gledhill (The Times religion correspondent)

BBC Article
Thank you BBC for another article

1 comment:

  1. most catholics dont dig or agree, we still stuck on giovanni paolo II
